Sunday, February 7, 2010

Whats A Syringe Unit What Type Of Insulin Do You Take?

What Type Of Insulin Do You Take? - whats a syringe unit

> Fire dosing> Pen> Syringes> Mix> Basil> Rapid Action? Which combination of glucose remains acceptable means? Furthermore, it is a useful AC1 7 levels, or only two?


  1. I use Lantus and Humalog basal-bolus insulin, two insulin pens.

    My A1C 5.1.

    7 is acceptable to us, but most of the guidelines of the goal of 6.5 or less. The soil can be is the security, cuts better, even modest A1C go a long way in preventing complications, but has the hiccups all the time, which is also dangerous to be compensated.

  2. Humalog, the scale at 3 clock on weekends and 4 weekdays, the syringe, it is fast.
    and NPH, 10 doses of the morning, a syringe, it is intermediate
    7 is a good aonec

  3. Novolin NPH and regular, or a combination of both. This is the amount of carbohydrates you eat carbohydrates turn into sugar and increase their sugar level.Diabetes: a new art of living together.

  4. I take Humalog by an insulin pump. Mean of 0.9 units per hour with a bolus of 0.9 units per 15 grams of carbohydrates. Works for me.

    I used shots from the day ... 6 ... 5, a Humalog and Lantus. What kind of a pain it.


  5. Novolog. 1 unit-10carbs. Pen basil is the mark of Lantis. I'm still on their honeymoon, but. And my doctor says that is still 7, a good number, but a little more would be better.

  6. 5.5 A1C is perfect, while 7% is really good!

    In only in a pump with Humalog! I take about 100 cc per day.
    My A1C is 6.4

  7. 5.5 A1C is perfect, while 7% is really good!

    In only in a pump with Humalog! I take about 100 cc per day.
    My A1C is 6.4
